Backpacker’s Pantry Crème Brulee is our bestselling dessert. Not only is it convenient and easy to prepare, but it is flavorful, delicious and sure to...
Delicious gourmet double dark chocolate cheesecake in the backcountry? You bet! Imported dark chocolate and cheesecake with a chocolate cookie topping is the perfect sweet...
What’s better than an apple crisp to make your mom proud. A delicious blend of crunchy granola mixed with freeze-dried apple sauce. A lightly sweetened...
Made with generous pieces of braised beef, vegetables and sliced potatoes, indulge yourself with this home cooked style meal. Sprinkled with a touch of garlic...
Northern shrimp paired with rosé Alfredo sauce, with aged parmesan cheese and herbs, makes for an exceptional marriage of flavours! Served on fettuccine, this freeze-dried meal is...
A hearty portion of northern shrimp blended with unique Indian spices and coconut milk awaits you! Rice, cashews and raisins add the perfect touch to...
Mountain House Chicken and Mashed Potatoes Gluten Free Pouch
Sold Out$15.99
Chicken and creamy mashed potatoes seasoned with herbs and chives. A surprisingly easy meal to make that will curb your hunger leaving you satisfied. This...
Whether you're trekking the Sierra Nevada or camping with the Boy Scouts right in your backyard, our Mountain House Chili Mac is an insanely delicious...
Delicious noodles and beef in Italian-style red sauce. This meal gives you that wholesome, comforting flavor of Italian cooking in hardly any time at all. Tender...
Be prepped for anything; ReadyWise 60 serving emergency food supply bucket is a staple for any emergency. Whether you're affected by a snow storm, hurricane...
Each pouch of Crest Peak Creamy Pasta & Chicken contains 2.5 servings and is resealable. These pouches are lightweight making them easily portable on any...
ReadyWise Mac & Cheese allows you to enjoy a classic macaroni pasta in a creamy cheese sauce anywhere. Comfort food for the great outdoors! Details: •...
ReadyWise Veggie Chili Soup is a hearty chili packed with beans and peppers in a southern chili broth. ***Please note fresh green onion and sour cream garnishing...
ReadyWise Cheesy Potato Soup is a creamy cheese soup with chunks of potatoes to warm the soul and fuel the body. ***Please note fresh herb garnish shown in...
Each pouch of Pasta Alfredo with Chicken contains 2.5 servings and is resealable. These pouches are lightweight making them easily portable on any outdoor adventure....
A classic meat lasagna with pasta and sausage in a cheesy tomato pasta sauce Contains half the sodium of other leading freeze-dried food brands! These pouches...
Each pouch of the Teriyaki Chicken & Rice contains 2.5 servings and is resealable. These pouches are lightweight making them easily portable on any outdoor...
A delicious and hearty mix of tagliatelle noodles and beef in a stroganoff style mushroom sauce. Contains half the sodium of other leading freeze-dried food brands! These...